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Montreal: Luncheon Talk on Shipping and Liability
ICS Canada held a lunch talk in Montreal on November 21st 2018. The presentation was entitled “Shipping & Limitation of Liability: By Statute, Convention & Contract” and our speaker was David Colford, Partner at Brisset Bishop.
During his talk, David reviewed the history and rationale for maritime limitations of liability, who they apply to, what they cover, how they are calculated as well as under what circumstances they might not apply. Many cases and examples were cited throughout including a number from the Canadian experience. The talk was clearly thought-provoking judging from the questions that came up afterwards.
The presentation was very well attended and included strong representation from ship operators Fednav and Canada Steamship Lines, shipbrokers Summit Maritime and maritime lawyers DeMan Pillet.
Thanks so much to everyone for making the extra effort to attend on what was a very snowy day. Special thanks to Robert Wilkins from the Canadian Maritime Law Association who arranged with the Barreau du Quebec for lawyers attending to collect Continuous Legal Education credits. We are also very grateful to Carolyn Osborne from the Mariners House of Montreal who graciously hosted the event while our usual venue, the Shipping Federation of Canada boardroom, was undergoing renovations.